How to Nail a Design Client with Perfect Sales Pitch



In this world of competition, every company or business individual is striving to earn as much as possible. Specifically for the business of graphic designing, making new clients is very important. Whether you are a freelance graphic designer or own a cutting-edge advertising agency or design house, there is a cut-throat competition being face in the field of graphic designing. Learning how to pitch your services to potential clients (also known as prospects) is a skill one must master in order to generate more business and become successful. A perfect sales pitch is almost a myth, as it depends on a number of probabilities and uncertainties. A perfect sales pitch has a simple formula i.e. ‘knowing how to talk about your services’, however; it is often easier said than done. Pitching a design client can be more complicated than pitching any other client. It must be well thought out before hand and executed properly while engaged. So n this post I will try to mark out some practices and techniques that can help you better prepare yourself and deliver the knowledge about your services. For those who might already have most of these points at the back of their minds, this post may turn out to be a refresher course and turn your pitch into a direct call-to-action.