Top 7 Things To Keep In Mind While Designing Blog Theme



Since umpteenth themes are available for free, many bloggers often switch up from one theme to another, in order to spruce up the look of their blog. In addition to downloading free themes, some bloggers also make use of customization options for an existing theme, or even pay others to design an eccentric theme for them. It doesn’t matter whether you are up for the job alone or you are paying someone else to do the theme work for you, one way or another, your involvement is incumbent to ensure that the end result turns in your favor. So, if you are considering a change in your blog theme, here are some factors that need not to be sidelined in the process. Take a look.

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1. Complication of re-designing


It all begins with identifying your choice of the blog theme. If you are interested in refreshing up the look of your blog theme a bit, you don’t want to scrape down all the elements of the design. Therefore, just concentrate on the deficient areas and elements that demand alteration. Likewise, if you want to strip down the blog theme once and for all, you should look for themes that lend your blog a distinctive feel. So, before stepping ahead in the process of theme change, consider what you want from the existing theme.

2. Establishing the brand

Establishing the brand

If you are already an established brand image, you would not want to strip down all of the elements that is the true representation of your brand. You should keep enough elements of your existing design to ensure that your potential readers are still getting a touch of your prior blog. A full-on theme change might also affect your traffic and Google ranking. However, if you are a budding blogger, keep certain points in mind that a theme change could bestow you with.

3. Colors


While most bloggers overlook the color change options of their blog when designing their theme, don’t be like them. If you aren’t satisfied with the existing color scheme of your blog, it’s advisable to make some necessary changes, as it helps in creating massive appeal. To loosen up your work load a bit, you could take advantages of different online resources like sample scheme of ColorSchemer or the extensive palate of COLOURlovers.

4. Placing of the banner ads

Placing of the banner ads

Before you decide the layout of your sought-to-be theme, ensure the location of the banners ads. Since availability of banner ads are common on blogs toady, it is extremely important to make the ads perfectly fit into the design. Otherwise, your blog might end up looking like a messed-up garbage. Take into the consideration the perimeter of the banner ads that you want to sell, so that it doesn’t compromise on the readability factor.

5. Featuring the best contents

Featuring the best contents

Amidst all that revamping of your theme and designing the layout, your main focus should always be on increasing the traffic of your blog. Therefore, be sure that you present your readers with popular posts upfront, which come flooded with useful information relating to the users’ needs.

6. Load speed

Always remember, you could risk losing your potential visitors if your pages load too slowly or make your readers wait for hours. Therefore, instead of adding too many plugins, high quality larger images, videos and widgets that make your page load crawl, keep your theme simple and sophisticated. Include elements that are required and don’t add anything superfluous or excessive.

7. Full posts Vs. Excerpts

Deciding that how your front page would display–be it in full posts or excerpts– is equally important, as it could induce some dramatic effect on the look and the design of your blog’s home page. Most bloggers use custom excerpts as they bestow the front page with a great-looking impact without looking overdone.

Among aforementioned factors, there are other equally important elements you must gaze at, like subscription options, social media integration, SEO optimized front page and ease of navigation for a perfect theme change. Whether you are doing a full theme change or just making selective alterations in your blog, it is incumbent to opt for a theme change that your audience would love and prefer to read.

About the Author:

Claudia is a blogger by profession. She loves writing on luxury and technology. She recently read an article on cellphonebeat that attracted her attention. These days she is busy in her research work for ecofriend.